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Ways to stay motivated during challenging times

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The drive to achieve our goals is being held back by boundaries set by mother nature, Twenty-twenty has been a very challenging year for all of us making it hard to stay focused. The lack of motivation along with pessimistic thoughts makes it worse to grasp the gist of positivity. But despite the negativity finding ways to stay motivated will keep enhancing our minds to reach our goals. 

So here are Some ways to stay motivated during the challenging times

1. Stay focused on the end goal 

Achievements are not achieved by a calm pace, it has many ups and downs along the way and that is what makes it worth it in the end. Failures are the drive towards doing better, it is what molds us to be the best version of what we do. 

You may face many barriers when reaching your goals, But always remember why you started this and remember to stay focused on the end goal. Write down goals and make small progress step by step and surely the end result will surprise you in heaps. 

2. Be optimistic and give thanks 

Many of us will eventually fall into the track of negativity when faced with challenging situations making it hard to stay optimistic and give thanks to what we already have. It is not an excuse to stay focused on the pessimism and to whine about the hard times. 

Start by giving thanks to the blessings in your life, it can be little things such as having food on your table, the roof over your head, etc. Give thanks to the love and support you receive from those who surround you. 

3. Focus on the positivity 

No matter what the situation is, try focusing on one positive thing. It can be the flowers in your garden, a delicious cuisine you made, heartwarming words that were said to you by someone or it can be the happiness that you received by listening to a song. 

Stay focused on the small joys that bring you happiness and keeps you in a positive mindset.

4. Limit yourself from digesting bad news 

One thing that we tend to forget is that no matter how much good we feed ourselves, one negative thought is enough to ruin our happy motivated mood. So why destroy happiness by listening and surrounding minds by pessimism. Remember that we have the power to control what we digest into our souls. 

limit your self from hearing sad news or anything that destroys the peace within. surround yourself with good energy, reach out to those who enhance your mind and self. 

5. Get enough Sleep 

Always remember resting our minds is a must, it is essential to get enough sleep, many have and tendency to skip sleep when faced with a stressful situation. Avoid not sleeping or not getting enough sleep.

A useful Eyeopening guide

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Posted on July 13, 2020, 10:04 a.m.

Thank you for the inspiration.

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