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If empathy ran the world

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Well, we all want to run the world on our own terms, don't we?

Now imagine yourself running the acoustic world full of color in your own way. Is it a wonderful bubbly place or is it filled with corruption and disruption?

Human beings are prone to live by their own rules, our personality is what predicts how we see the world and adhere to the world. Human beings with higher emotional intelligence are ought to be more peaceful, empathetic, and kind. Those with narcissistic traits often are in need of ruling, controlling, and egocentric. which is why it is very important when it comes to choosing a leader. I believe deep inside that we are all capable of doing good and living in peace. sometimes all it takes is empathy which is something that lacks in most people. Empathy is a very strong attribute that can turn wars into blooming gardens, all it takes is to understand by putting ourselves in their shoes, to know what it is like to be the other in their situation, this will help people to be more understanding when it comes to taking a decision which affects the whole world or even a small unit as a family. 

What is "empathy" we may ask, empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. People who indulge in empathetic attributes are often healers, peace seekers, and kind souls. empathetic understanding comes from within, it can be a learned attribute, A self observed goal. Empathy has the ability to put an end to corruption in all aspects of life, empathy will redeem what has been lost in our lives. There are various instances where the lives of people are at stake, children are being abused, women are being raped, etc, all it takes is to understand the pain of another. It may take a while, but I say that we have taken enough time. If we want to have a more empathetic society, we need to educate people about this beautiful characteristic, it should start at elementary school where the child is taught to feel the pain in another, above all it should start at our own homes, but not all of us come from an empathetic household, which is why it is important to have a proper system which cultivates this very important attribute starting from school. Then one day when they are old enough we will have an abundance of healers and peacemakers running this world in the future.

Let us all keep in mind that the state of our world is in our hands, to protect its people and nature at all costs. It is our duty to raise children with empathy for a better world.

There are many ways that we can improve empathy in our day to day lives. Here are 5 ways you can improve empathy.

1. Engage in activities that are out of your comfort zone

This will enable you to see beyond what you already know, it will help you to understand each other from another perspective. Challenge yourself to take part in activities that will give you new experiences.

2. Recieve feedback

Receiving feedback from your loved ones, friends, and others will make realize the depth of your empathy which in return you will be able to improve by discovering the depth of it by getting their feedback.

3. Walk in their shoes

By this what I mean is that put yourself in that position and see what it is like to be them and face their troubles just as it is yours, this will assist you to grasp another more.

4. Read and engage in writing about emotions

Literature enables us to understand someone else's life through writing, reading poetry, etc. since the past, literature, art, and poetry have been some of the main forms through which people enjoyed and understood each other. 

5. Pursue curiosity

Try to understand and learn from another walk of life, try to grasp what you can learn and add to your life from their life experiences. It is all about being there for someone and understanding them by their point of view. 


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Posted on Jan. 27, 2021, 11:02 a.m.

Golden words.... and a mind blowing article ❤

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