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The Art of Poetry

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Poetry is our own creations through words. They are words of love, hope, injustice, distress, and hate. The words of poetry is a way of communicating the deep parts of our soul to another.It is a way of creating a connection with each other by finding one ground through the form of words.

Poetry is a way of expressing our thoughts and emotions, It brings out the condolences of a distressed heart as well as the magnificent tingling feelings of love. It brings an immense amount of heartwarming pleasure to our souls. The reader will be able to understand the writer's points of view, feelings, and empathize. It is a way of building empathy, it helps a person to connect in a deeper way. 

Poetry has taught me to see the world in a broader way, to let my thoughts visible in the form of words. It has given me the opportunity to relate to others in a much more amazing way. The motive behind my writings is to motivate and help others to gain insight into their lives. 

This is for those who want to and are struggling to write. Anyone can become a poet, all you need to do is to take a piece of paper along with a pen, reflect and start writing, trust me you will enjoy the joy that comes with it. Write and keep writing, for it the only way for you to get better at it. Read and listen to readings of poetry. Do not force yourself to get your feelings for it will leave you drained. 

Just let all the honest feelings flow naturally so that you will be able to pour out the gist of your soul into miraculous words.

Thank you!!

Visit my page on poetry @thesoul_muse

A Poetry Collection by Simon & Schuster

A poetry collection by Simon & Schuster

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